Monday, October 21, 2019

For Wednesday: The Prince, Letter to Lorenzo and Chapters 1-9 (pp.7-35)

The "Revenge" Group (Group 2) should answer TWO of the following questions. The members of the group are Liv C, Marissa M, Tara S, Jordan H, Kele P, Cody T, Estelle L, Anthony J, Casi B, Zach W, Brookelyn L

Answer TWO of the following for Wednesday’s class:

Q1: In the opening letter to Lorenzo de Medici, how does Machiavelli try to sell the importance of his book? Why does Lorenzo (who is in power) need to read the book and listen to Machiavelli (who is disgraced and exiled)?

Q2: According to the opening chapters, what is the biggest danger for a new prince? Why is winning the war only the beginning of his struggle for conquest? Consider his ideas for conquering nations such as Turkey and France, etc.

Q3: Though most books would encourage a prince to be kind and merciful to his subjects, Machiavelli, attempting to be honest, claims that a prince must often be cruel to rule his nation. However, he clarifies that “it is a question of cruelty used well or badly” (31). How can cruelty be used “well”? Isn’t any use of cruelty evil?

Q4: In Chapter 6, he talks about “armed” and “unarmed” prophets, which means people who inspire great changes among the people. Why, according to him, do “all armed prophets…conquer, and unarmed prophets come to grief” (21)? What makes being a prophet so dangerous? 

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Final Exam Paper, due by December 9th

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