Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Reading & Questions for Hafiz: Chapters 13,14,15 & 23

There's a lot more poems to read in The Gift, but we only have one more week to read them before we move on to Shakespeare. So read the poems from each of the following chapters (but feel free to read more, too, if so moved!):

* Chapter Thirteen: Reverence 

* Chapter Fourteen: A Cushion for Your Head

* Chapter Sixteen: Spiced Manna

* Chapter Twenty-Three: A Clever Piece of Mutton

Answer 2 of the following questions, which are a little different from the questions I usually ask...

Q1: Which poem would you give to someone has recently fallen in love? What would you want them to see in this poem? To appreciate? To learn?

Q2: Which poem would you give to someone who is a know-it-all? Who always seems to have all the answers, and doesn't want to learn from anyone else? How might this poem teach them a little humility? 

Q3: Which poem would you give to someone who is lost and doesn't know what to do with their life? How could this poem help them find their way and give new meaning to their life--or simply a ray of hope? 

Q4: Which poem would you give to someone who has had a great tragedy in their life? How might this poem help them heal themselves? 

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Final Exam Paper, due by December 9th

The Final Exam paper is pasted below if you missed class on Tuesday (or simply lost it). Note the due date: no late papers will be accepted ...