Wednesday, September 4, 2019

For Monday: Finish Lysistrata (pp.161-193)

Even though we're going to spend a few more days on the play, it's short, so go ahead and finish it for Monday's class. Remember that we DO NOT HAVE CLASS ON FRIDAY. So these questions/reading are for the following Monday. :) 

The "Love & Death Group" (Group A) should answer TWO of the following:

Q1: Lysistrata has very specific ideas about how to fix Athenian society, though the men don't want to hear it. According to her, what are some of the biggest problems with how men act and/or run society? What would she want to fix or abolish if she got power? (you might also consider how this relates to some modern issues we still have today!) 

Q2: What is the role of the various Choruses in the play? How do they differ from the individual characters? Do we have anything like this in our own shows and movies today, or this is truly a uniquely Greek custom?

Q3: According to this play, what do the men most fear about women? What would be the danger of letting them run the country for a few days or weeks? Do they fear their incompetence or mismanagement? Or something worse?

Q4: How does the play affect a reconciliation between men and women? Do you think this will be a lasting peace--or a momentary truce? Is sex enough to save the world? In other words, how serious do you think this play truly is? 

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Final Exam Paper, due by December 9th

The Final Exam paper is pasted below if you missed class on Tuesday (or simply lost it). Note the due date: no late papers will be accepted ...